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Participation for Miss Geiger's students...

Post a comment on this post (below) to receive 5 points towards your participation grade.
look through all the basket posts, to see new techniques and past student work

Comment on which new basket technique you would like to try to make your basket unique!

In the comment make sure to leave your first and last initial, and which period you are in (or you will not receive points)


  1. I want to use recycled materials in my basket ,to make it stand out from all the others :)
    -Rachael Geiger
    Period 5

  2. I'm going to use the tier technique. I'm really like the Ugandan baskets! I like the organic colors and designs.
    Krista De La Luz period 2

  3. Roman Duenas Geiger why you so cool doe ?
    Per. 2

  4. im going to put random stuff on my basket
    Hector Partida

  5. my project will be unique because of the colors
    steven miller per.2

  6. Hey ms geiger :D im going to use the negative space idea :D
    Love Angie R period 6

  7. Hey Ms. Geiger,
    I want to try the text idea and the different patterns.
    Lydieth Najera Period 3

  8. What's up Miss.Giegar,
    There is no more dark purple yarn :(
    And nice pot pic it looks like a robot sort of
    -Mario Urbina period 2

  9. ohh its a bulbasuar!!!!!!!!!!! XD
    -Mario Urbina period 2

  10. Ms. Geiger,
    I'm going to try the negative space and add different types of colors to my basket.
    Lauren Alberto, Period 6

  11. Hi Ms. Geiger,
    I would like to make my basket more unique by using some negative space and many patterns.
    -K.H. Period 2

  12. I looove the earthy colors used in the Ugandan baskets! I definitely want to use similar ones for mine.
    -Jayla Bradshaw, period 6 =)

  13. Hi Ms. Geiger,
    I'm going to use natural colors, a pattern and negative space to make my basket unique.
    Lindsey Ragas, Period 2

  14. I want to have a color scheme on my basket and to add patterns that will stand out. :)
    -Leslie Pedroza, Period 3

  15. I want to try to add negative space and different color patterns to my basket.
    -Dennis Kang, Period 2

  16. Miss Geiger!
    I really liked how some people were able to use negative space in such a creative way (like make that Bulbasaur)! I hope to do the same for mine, along with trying to complement and contrast colors.
    Sara Chai, Period 2 =]

  17. Well we all know your name is Ms. Rachel Geiger...but i would like to add negative space, handles, and maybe a funky lid to go on top! but the colors of my basket add the unique POP! to it.
    - Alexis Banks, period 3. :)

  18. I'd like to try using negative space and maybe that bead thing you did. That was cool. Jeremias c Per6

  19. id like to try and add some negative space to my project and maybe a handle.
    Samar A period 3

  20. I would try to make neew things by using a lot of negative space in my basket I think it would be fun and challenging!

    Sergio Paredes

  21. im really interested in making letters on my basket. i thought that was pretty cool.
    Jacqueline Gil-Miranda Period 2

  22. The natural colors is what really got my attention and also how the baskets werent all just round but some looked organic and funcky at the top.
    -Jessica N
    Period 2

  23. The colors are wow! Im going to try and make mine pop out.
    Junior M Per 2

  24. Anonymous said...

    I love the negative space. I am really looking forward to try that on my basket. I also love the different colors that are used. I think that I will also try that as well.

    Jessica M.
    Per. 2

  25. I really like how many of the basket weavers made their baskets into unconventional shapes. I liked the colors and the way they were incorporated. I think I'm going to try and find a nice color scheme for my basket because it creates a pleasing visual aesthetic.
    -Michael Dinh

  26. I enjoy the color schemes of many of the posted baskets. The colors give life to the baskets. I also enjoy the patterns of the various baskets. They are candy to the eye. I plan to emphasize these aspects of the basket in my own project.
    - Christopher Lee

  27. I really really like the navajo style! The colors too, I want to maybe try using the the raffia next time! I already bought my own core..
    So Addicted! Haha :)
    Maddie T.
    Period 3

  28. I really enjoyed the negative space coming out like if it orbits around the basket. I think that makes it look amazing. The organic shapes that some of the coil baskets had are also something that i would like to incorporate into my basket weaving.
    Joana R.
    Pd. 3

  29. The colors and patterns look beautiful. I think I would like to put that in my design, or at least try. Also, I liked the variation of color.
    Paulina P.
    Pd. 3

  30. My Design is not all that great yet. I still have a long way to go. But i like all of these examples and especially all the different designs.
    Andrea C.
    Period 3

    - This art work hurts my hand and keeps me up at night! But I like it!!

  31. I like making the baskets they're fun!
    -kajol Patel

  32. i like the small on. the one that u cand put on your finger john c. pre 6

  33. i would like to try to add negative space and make use of patterns
    -Jerwin Viray
    Period 6


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