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Showing posts from March 16, 2011

Boring Grade Post

Hey Y'all. Check your ABI to see what your progress report looks like.  Don't like?  Then do your make-up work by  Monday  3/21. Letters to Barbara Boxer can still be submitted for make-up blog credit, post your letter as a comment by  Monday  as well. Extra credit will be offered to those who bring in  Packing Tape  tomorrow and Friday.

Underwater Sculptures!

Check out these figure sculptures!  The artist is Jason T aylor and he " explores the intricate relationships that exist between art and environment.  His works become artificial reefs, attracting marine life, while offering the viewer privileged encounters, as the shifting sand of the ocean floor, and the works change from moment to moment." "The large number of angles and perspectives from which the sculptures can be viewed increase dramatically the unique experience of encountering the works." Our Packing tape sculptures will interact with the school environment, but Taylor's work is the ultimate example of using the environment to enhance the meaning of the artwork!