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Showing posts from October 2, 2014

Quilts, inspired by "Gee's Bend"

This year our first art project was informed by the elements and principles of design & INSPIRED by the quilt traditions of the women in Gee’s Bend Alabama.  For more info about Gee's Bend, click link! 12 inch quilt square patterns were designed by each student, and fabric cut and pasted in a non-traditional quilt making fashion.  The students created the quilts by taping the squares together in groups. Each period made one quilt.  We were able to create the designs from fabric swatch scraps donated by Mrs.Tenbroek and her family. Quilts are up for "silent auction" through the end of next week, Friday October 10th. Bid sheets are located in the front office. Proceeds will benefit the visual arts classes. Here are the quilt designs and their numbers: Quilt 1 Quilt 2 Quilt 3: Quilt 4: Quilt 5: Quilt 6: Thanks to your interest in this project we were able to turn it into a great fundraiser, thank you for bidding!