You are all invited to the District art show "ARTrageous" The formal reception is tomorrow the 17th, from 6-7 pm Invite your friends and family to see your work on display. The following is the list of paper-mache animal heads that will be on display, along with some of the ceramic work that was brought in by students. All of the following animals are extinct or critically threatened because of Humans. We chose to create and display these animals to spread awareness for human-caused extinction, to give these animals a voice! Animal Year Extinct /Year Critcally Endangered 1. Wooly Mammoth 10,000 bc RJ Kardiban, Huy Hwang, Bradley Boardman, Ryan Vo, Jonny McInroy 2. Wild Horse 2008 Seann Rustom, Kendall Fuentecilla, Brandon Mendez 3. White Rhino 2007 Evan Machado, DV Bhakta, Kelsie Grissom 4. Gray Wolf 1994 Alekhya Bukkuri 5. Javan Tiger 1972 Katherine Hernandez 6. Tasmanian Tiger 19...