1 1st Period Nominee: Mervin Torrecarion Materials: old toys, legos, broken headphones, PSP, CD's It is a functional music player/speaker system! 2 2nd Period Nominee: Carmen Ramos & Brandon Pamplona Materials: plastic, paper, bottles, cardboard, broken lamp parts It's a functional robot lamp! 3 3rd Period Nominee: Kelsie Grissom Materials: old cigar box, scrap wood, beads, fishing line, scrap building materials It's a functional cigar box guitar! Sounds great :) 4 4th Period Nominee: Hannah Lee Materials:plastic bags, parts of a basket, string, computer parts, christmas lights 6 6th Period Nominee: Simone Evangelista Materials: wicker scrap, cardboard, old lampshade, scrap yarn, bedsheet, newspaper, streamers, old candle holder
I think we should contribute by sending cranes, it would be a fun project to make! :)
ReplyDelete-Gabriela Bermejo P.1
I think we should do BOTH! Japan needs all the help they could get. The cranes can help them spirtially and also financially by the organization that provides the money for each crane made and fundraising some more money would help the Japanese and give them all the support they can get!
ReplyDeleteRoumann Pangilinan
Period 1
we should do both
ReplyDeletesushama sharma per 3
i say we do BOTH! :)
ReplyDeleteDiana B6
I think we should do both! If we make a total of 2,000 cranes, we can sell a thousand of them at school to raise funds to send to Japan. Then we can send the other thousand cranes with the money that we raise. Not only could we help them financially, but we can also help them mentally. =]
ReplyDeleteI say lets do both
ReplyDeleteNicole Garcia
Per. 3
yes the cranes!!! i love folding paper and now im addicted to making cranes ever since friday
ReplyDeleteBrandon Mendez Per 1
I think we should do both because they need alot of our help.
ReplyDeleteWe should do both.
ReplyDelete-Napoleon d. Per. 3
Yeah both! :-)
ReplyDelete-Liz Lizardi P.2
ReplyDeletenamrata b p6
We should do both so that they can have our emotional support, which is demonstrated by the cranes, along with the financial help.
ReplyDeleteSelina S. P3